Hillndale Volunteer Fire Department
Serving Steubenville
and Cross Creek Townships since 1948
Most chemical accidents happen in the
Chemical Safety Page
This information is provided as a general reference.
Unfortunately, no set of actions can eliminate the chance of fire,
injury, or death.
Hillndale VFD is not responsible for any misinterpretation or misuse
of this information.
Chemical Facts:
There are three ways to be exposed to a chemical, inhalation,
ingestion, and skin contact.
Most chemical accidents happen in the home.
Many poisonous chemicals are clear and odorless.
Hair spray, paint, and many other household chemicals are extremely flammable.
Common items such as lipstick can be toxic to children.
Household chemical safety:
Always read and follow the directions and precautions on a products label.
Maintain adequate ventilation when using chemicals that produce toxic odors
such as paint.
Never mix bleach with other chemicals such as cleaners, this can produce
toxic gas.
Keep products in properly labeled containers so the contents are not mistaken
for something else.
Never smoke while using household chemicals. Also keep flammable
materials away from sources of ignition.
Keep chemicals out of sight and reach of children, or locked if possible.
Symptoms of chemical poisoning:
Call your local poison control center immediately if you suspect someone
has been exposed to a poisonous substance.
Headache, dizziness, or blurred vision
Irritated eyes, skin, or throat
Stomach pain or diarrhea
Changes in skin color
Difficulty breathing
Major Chemical Emergencies:
In the event of a major hazardous materials release
in your area, listen to the radio or television for instructions.
There are several possible actions that you may be requested to take.
These include evacuation and sheltering in place. Sheltering in place
is a precaution to limit your exposure to chemicals by remaining in doors.
The following steps must be taken when sheltering in place.
Get inside of a car or go inside a building.
Close all doors and windows.
Turn off air conditioning, heating, and exhaust units that draw air from
outside. Close the damper on a fireplace.
Gather important items that you will need if an evacuation is ordered,
such as medicine, baby items, money and identification.
Wet some towels and jam under doors. Tape around doors, windows and
other openings to the outside.
If there is a danger of explosion, close the window shades, blinds, or
curtains and stay away from them.
Stay indoors and listen to the radio until you are told to discontinue
sheltering in place.
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Household chemicals
can be deadly if used carelessly.