Hillndale Volunteer Fire Department
Serving Steubenville and Cross Creek Townships since 1948

Don't substitute extension cords for permanent wiring.
Links Page
These links are intended to be helpful.  Hillndale VFD does not endorse these websites or any commercial products offered on them.

Kids Links:  

Sesame Street Coloring Pages: http://www.sesameworkshop.org/sesamestreet/coloringpages/0,5903,,00.html#health

Smokey the Bear's Website: http://www.smokeybear.com/

Sparky the Fire Dog Website: http://www.sparky.org/

US Fire Administration Kid's Site: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/kids/

Other State's Kids Pages:

General Links:

Consumer Product Safety Commission:  http://www.cpsc.gov/

Everything You Wanted to Know About Fire Safety: http://www.ou.edu/oupd/fireprim.htm

Fire Prevention Week Site: http://www.firepreventionweek.org

National Council on Fireworks Safety: http://www.fireworksafety.com/

US Department of Transportation: http://www.dot.gov/

National Weather service: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/

Fire Service Links:

Fire Engineering Magazine Online: http://www.fire-eng.com

Firehouse Magazine Online: http://www.firehouse.com/

Interfire Arson Investigation: http://www.interfire.org/

National Fire Protection Association: http://www.nfpa.org/

Ohio State Firefighter's Association: http://www.ohiofirefighters.org/

Ohio State Fire Marshall:  http://www.com.state.oh.us/sfm/

United States Fire Administration: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/

Local Fire Department Links:

Jefferson County Station List  (including links to online departments)

Follansbee Fire Dept.: http://www.follansbeefire.com

Weirton Volunteer Fire Dept.:  http://www.wvfdco1.org/

Other Fire Department Links:

City of Charlottesville, VA Fire Dept.: http://www.cfdonline.org/

Columbus Division of Fire: http://www.fire.ci.columbus.oh.us/

Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Dept.: http://www.hvfd.com/

Fire Department of New York City: http://nyc.gov/html/fdny/html/home2.shtml

Los Angeles City Fire Dept.: http://www.lafd.org/

Los Angeles County Fire Dept.: http://www.lacofd.org/

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Never smoke in bed or when sleepy.